Regulation 2024

5th Edition


The competition is addressed to young professional musicians of all nationalities with the purpose to promote the musical culture and encourage them to music study.

Art. 2
The competition will take place on  9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14  July 2024 at Sala Alida Ferrarini placed in Villafranca di Verona.

Art. 3
The performances will be public and split up into the following Sections  and Categories:


Cat. "First Notes": born from 2016 onwards; free repertoire max 5 min.
Cat. A: born from 2014 to 2015; free repertoire max. 8 min.
Cat. B: born from 2011 to 2013; free repertoire max. 12 min.
Cat. C: born from 2008 to 2010; free repertoire max. 15 min.
Cat. D: born from 2004 to 2007; free repertoire max. 18 min.
Cat. E: born from 1999 to 2003; free repertoire max. 25 min.

For the Categories "First Notes", A, B e C the execution by heart is not mandatory.

For the remaining Categories the execution by heart is mandatory.
The candidates are allowed to make their registration in a higher Category according to their age, but not in the inferior one.


"Piano Performance" at unique category, open to pianists up to 40 years of age and split up in three rounds (the execution by heart is mandatory):

Preliminary Round
Free repertoire lasting  maximum 15 minutes including a study of brilliant character chosen among the following composers: F.Chopin, F. Liszt, C. Debussy, S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev, A. Skryabin, B. Bartók, G. Ligeti.

Semifinal (max. 12 candidates)
Free repertoire lasting maximum 20 minutes.

It is not allowed to repeat the program played in the Preliminary Round.

Final (3 candidates)
Free repertoire lasting maximum 30 minutes.

It is not allowed to repeat the program played in the previous rounds.

Art. 4

The application fee will be fully reimbursed in case of suppression of one or more Categories, if the Management does not consider sufficient the number of competitors registered.
In case of cancellation by the candidate for any reason, the application fee will not be reimbursed.
The soloist of the First Section are allowed to take part at the Second Section too  and  vice versa, but with a different program.

Art. 5

No facilitated transcriptions are admitted.

Art. 6

The Management does not assume any responsibility for any kind of risk or damage arisen during the event.

Art. 7
The competitors are allowed to practice the piano in the timing fixed by the Management.

Art. 8
For both Sections, the competitors must present an Identity Document and one copy of the pieces to be played that must be edited.

Art. 9
The calendar of the practice for each Category will be published on the website of the Competition. Each competitor is required to inform personally.

Art. 10
The results will be announced at the end of the auditions for each Category and for each round of the "Piano Performance" section. The final of the "Piano Performance" section (3 candidates) will take place in concert form. All the Absolute First Prizes for each Category will be asked to exhibit at the  Prizing Ceremony  that will take place on Sunday July 14th, 2024 at Sala Alida Ferrarini in Villafranca di Verona, otherwise they will lose their prize.
The prizes cannot be mailed. The prizing of the First, Second, Third and Fourth classified, will be made at the end of each category’s performance.

Art. 11
The jury is formed by musicians of international fame.

The judges who have had continuous teaching relationship with one or more candidates up to two years prior the competition, must abstain from the discussion and the voting of the performance of these candidates.

The jury has the right to interrupt the execution if it exceeds the allowed duration.

The jury has the right not to award prizes and scholarships to candidates who do not achieve a qualitative level worth of being awarded of the prize.

The jury’s judgment is unquestionable and unflappable.

Art. 12
The Organizing Management reserves the right to set up sub-commissions for the various Sections, as well as to integrate them with other judges in case of absence of the listed Masters.

Art. 13
In case of minor candidate the competitor or parent, by registration to the Competition, authorizes the Association pursuant to Article 10 and 230 of the Civil Code and Article 96 and 97 Law 22 April 1941 no. 663 (Copyright Law) to publish  photos, videos or other audiovisual materials representing the competitor, which can be taken from the personnel authorized by the aforementioned Association. Any of these materials can be placed on the website of the Competition.

Art. 14
All travel and accommodation expenses are borne by the competitors. A list of discounted hotels can be consulted on the Competition website.

Art. 15
The registration to the Competition involves the unconditional acceptance of the rules established by this announcement.



The  First Absolute Prize with higher score not inferior to 95/100 will receive:

First Prizes (with score from 95 to 99/100): Cup and  Diploma
Second Prizes (with score from 90 to 94/100): Medal and Diploma
Third Prizes (with score from 85 to  89/100): Medal and Diploma
Fourth Prizes (with score from 80 to 84/100): Diploma
All remaining competitors  will receive the Attendance Diploma.

The jury has the right to award ex-aequo prizes for all Categories. In this case the Scholarships will be equally divided among the winners.


Firts Prize:       € 4.000,00
Second Prize: € 1.500,00
Third Prize:     € 800,00
It is not foreseen ex-aequo awarding.


 Public Prize "Rinaldo Rossi"
Awarded to the competitor who will obtain the highest number of votes from the public during the Award Ceremony: scholarship of  Euro 200,00

Absolute Prize of the Competition

Awarded by the jury to the musician distinguishing himself for technical, expressive and musical qualities: scholarship of Euro 300,00


The application form (available on the website) must be fully completed and sent no later than:

 15th June 2024.


In addition for the competitors of the SECOND SECTION "Piano Performance" it is mandatory to send one featured photo of the competitor in high resolution to be used for the graphic of the Competition.


For every clarification or doubt do not hesitate to contact the organization by phone (+39 347/7847028 - +39 388/6945548) or send an e-mail to



Category "First Notes":  € 40,00

Category A: € 45,00

Category B: € 50,00

Category C: € 55,00

Category D: € 60,00

Category E: € 65,00


Piano Performance: € 100,00


Bank Transfer to:


Associazione Musicale "Quattro Quarti"

Bank Details

Banca Popolare di Sondrio, filiale 11700

Corso Cavour, 45 Verona, 37121


IT79 S 05696 11700 000003494X43



Reason for payment

“Application to 5th Villafranca International Piano Competition” reporting the Name of the applicant , Section and Category”.